Thursday, January 26, 2012


That is right...we are leaving TODAY to go! My favorite place in the whole world a.k.a. the happiest place on Earth (sometimes...we are not including some of our experiences...Fox know what I am talking about). So so SOOOOO excited! Will write about it when we come home! Hopefully we can mark one of our 2012 Dream List items off! For 2012 my family got together and talked about 12 fun things we would like to do this year. To see our list and updates of us completing the tasks...see... ....that is our blog that will show pictures of us completing all the fun stuff we have in 2012! Already did the Scavenger Hunt....soooo much fun!!!! Pictures will come soon. Stay posted!

Until we get back from our weekend fun!

The Petersens

This is from our 1 year Anniversary. I am not really good at blogging haha I am getting better though right? This was actually Peter's 1st picture with a character EVER! I am glad I got to be in his 1st picture. ;)


  1. oOOH MY LANDSSSSS... You're blogging! Better than I am (might I add!). I'm so jealous your going there! Brady has NEVER BEEN! I think we might need to do a couples trip one of these times! :)

  2. Ummm YES PLEASE! Disneyland is the best place EVER! I have an uncle that can get us into Club 33 which is Walt Disney's provate club. We should go? I think yes!
