Thursday, September 26, 2013

Telling Tav, Brittin, Belle, and some extended family!

Well...after I told my seemed like FOREVER until I could tell more people. I kept wanting to talk about the exciting news but knew we had to be quiet. I wanted to wait to tell Brittin and Belle the same time I told Tav. Since Tavin was on his mission...we had only once choice...Christmas Skype call. Peter and I sent Tavin a Christmas package from "Mom and Dad" and told him he was to open it during the Skype call. Well right before Christmas, we found out Tavin never got the package. So we went with Plan B. Christmas morning came and I threw up. haha All my siblings thought I was sick but they would soon find out that was not the case. After we had our traditional Christmas breakfast, Tavin called. It was soooo amazing, like it is every time, to talk to Tavin and to be able to see him as well. I missed that boy sooo much when he was gone. Anyways, we started off the call by all the siblings getting a present. My parents gave us all our presents to open and gave Peter Tavin's to open. Each sibling got a shirt that said, "Awesome sisters get promoted to Aunt" for the girls and, "Awesome brothers get promoted to Uncle" for Tav. Everyone was soooo excited! It made me so happy to share this happy news to my best friends. Belle did not understand right away, A few minutes went by and Tav said something about the baby and Belle then said, "wait...what?", and then she was excited with the rest of us. :) My Nana and Papa was there too so I made them a shirt as well and my Aunt Teena, Uncle Jared, and their family came later that day so I made my Aunt and Uncle a shirt as well so they could join in the fun. It was a perfect day! I love Christmas soooo much! It's my favorite holiday and to be able to tell everyone that day as well was PERFECT! Here is some pictures of the fun....
AND...since this is a type of journal too with is some other Christmas fun...
Shopping for ornaments that we do each year ^^^
Gingerbread houses^^^
Christmas Eve putting reindeer food on the roof....Nativity (I was a star...pretty good huh? haha), and cookies for Santa^^^
Fox family Christmas card pictures! My family is cute right? ;) ^^^
Present time^^^ Such a fun Christmas!!! Can't wait for this year with my little one!!!

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