Well I am officially announcing it on my blog....I AM PREGNANT! :) Peter and I are so excited already! We have been waiting for this for awhile now. I wanted to make sure my brother was home and seeing as we are less than 3 months away ...EHHHHH!!!!...HE WILL BE HOME! YAY! We knew we needed to wait until we had insurance. That was the hardest thing. We thought it would never work out and after much praying and looking around...we finally got insurance! So we jumped on the chance to finally be able to start our little family.
November 14th, 2012, we shared our 3 year Anniversary! It is amazing how fast time as gone and at the same time, I can't imagine my life without Peter! I always heard it said that they feel more in love as years went on. When I got married, I did not know how that was possible. I loved Peter so much! He was my only star! Now as I look back on that day...I love Peter even more and continue to love him more everyday! Well seeing as we knew we were trying to have a baby and are poor college students, we decided we were not going to presents this year. I should have known better. I woke up to flowers, my favorite hot chocolate, and a new CD in my car I was excited to get. It was sweet but seeing as I followed through with what we decided, I hoped it stopped there. Nope! While I was at work, one of our receptionists came up to me and asked why I had cans tied to my car. I told her I did not and she said, "no, you do". After work, I saw my car. It had cans tied to the back, windows written on, and the car was filled with rose petals and balloons. Now I was feeling bad. Then when I got home, I saw this.....
It was super sweet and I felt bad. Luckily for me, a few days after our Anniversary, I took a test that would give him the best gift EVER! November 17th, 2012 was the day I found out the exciting news! I am not good at keeping secrets from Peter. I wanted to do something cute and I was thinking of ways to tell him but when I found out the news on my day off and knew I needed to wait to tell Peter until he got home annnndddd he kept calling to talk to me. Well let's just say....not as cute as I planned but I just could not wait longer. haha I will plan to do a cute way fro #2. ;) We decided to set up our tree earlier this year so we could enjoy the Thanksgiving/ Christmas season. So I tied ribbon around the positive pregnancy test and wrapped it in tissue like all the other ornaments and told Peter I wanted to take a picture of him putting the first ornament on the tree. Since I am crazy about taking pictures of our life...he did not think anything of it. Little did he know...the camera was on video. He did not get it at first but he soon figured it out!
Then we went to Wal Mart for more pregnancy tests to make sure. The next morning I took some more and ran to wake up Peter and show him. We were walking on clouds and decided to celebrate with I-Hop breakfast and taking our sweet dog for a walk. I am so so soooo lucky to have this sweet guy in my life! I would not be able to do this without him. He supports me on every decision and is so hard working with doing school and work full time. On top of that, he makes our little family a priority! I am so glad I met my best friend to share this great new adventure with! Love you Peter sooooo much! Thanks for being my only star!
I will update soon about how we told the fam. Until next time....
The Petersen Family