Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas with my Brother!

Ok so I am not good at this blog thing....maybe....New Year resolution??? haha I had had HAD to post about Christmas this year though. I had no idea what Christmas would be like without Tav this year and let me tell you, it was hard. When putting up our Christmas tree at the Fox home, every time we pulled an ornament that Tav picked out,(each year, we have a tradition where we pick a new ornament for the year Tav picked this ugly bird and no matter how we would try to get him to have a new one, he would not budge...he wanted the bird. Now it is at the top of our tree haha)(hardest ornament= bird and frame he got last year that had a small mission call in it), we would all start crying. Dad even said after a few ornaments, "ok, let's just not put up the Christmas tree this year or the next". haha We just kept reminding ourselves, Tavin would want us to have fun and build more memories. Anyways, we did build memories. We took Christmas pictures for the Fox Christmas card. Hahaha Gotta love having a Mom who is so good at pictures.

Fox Family Christmas card! :) I have a pretty cute fam huh?

And of course... family pictures! hehe

We also made Gingerbread to be posted later. Christmas gifts delivered with us having a hay ride with hot chocolate at the same time. :D Annnnddd....for the important stuff...Christmas Eve and Christmas.

Christmas Eve was fun. We went gag gift shopping in the morning, wrapped presents, danced around, and then got ready for dinner. We had the missionaries over for our traditional fondue. It is always my favorite and the missionaries had never had it before. One kept taking pictures of our chocolate fountain we had for dessert. We have awesome missionaries! I love having them over because it has a different feeling with my brother gone. After they left, we did our Christmas Nativity. I was the Angel this year, played Christmas pictionary, Mom and Dad gave us a pretty picture of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus and talked to us about it (it was such a sweet message that I will always remember...I have the picture up in our room, Mom and Dad :) ), then we went up on the roof to put the reindeer food. All pictures to come later when I get them from my Mom's camera :S. Oh and let's not forget, Santa came with Christmas PJs for us again. :) I just love Christmas Eve! Then it was off to bed in Brittin's and Belle's room. It is a tradition to have sibling sleepovers! I love it!

Next morning, Belle woke us up bright and early to check out the gifts. Peter, my parents, and I were so tired but no "five more minutes", we were dragged out to the family room. We were able to open 1 stocking gift before we had to get ready to talk to Tav. I could not let him think I let myself go since he left, you know, with my curly bed hair and all. haha At 10:00, that is when I got the BEST Christmas present. Tavin called!!!!! Actually Skyped!!! It was so amazing to see him and he had an accent kind of which made me laugh so hard. He told about amazing experiences and we talked about our life. We laughed and when it was time to say bye, cried so hard! I just love my brother so much and am so proud of him. He is such an example to us all! We got to see the family he was at and showed a cute Brazilian boy his room that still has the spray paint all over it. haha Tav, you will have to repaint it when you get home. We also talked to the little boy, Tav told him what to say and he was so proud of himself, Tav said, he was telling his whole family how he talked to us. haha It was a Christmas morning I will remember forever! Here are some pictures below. They were taken with my phone sooo not the best quality. haha

I just love him! In one you can also see the Brazilian boy we got to talk to. We made a joke about if he was interested in 14 yr. olds cause Britt was here and he was 12 and he laughed and said he loves Americans.

After a tearful goodbye, we opened presents. I am a spoiled girl! Peter was too good to me this year and same with my family. They all knew exactly what I would want. Oh and Mom and Dad, I think I told you not to spend too much on us this year. You did not listen! haha Thanks though for everything Fox family! After we had a turkey dinner! YUM! Then Peter and I went over to the Petersen house to visit and exchange gifts! Thanks so much as well! We love it all! I am blessed with a great family on both sides! When the Petersen family started to hit the hay, we finished our night with some fun games!

Thanks everyone for all you do for Peter and I! During our poor college days, we are so thankful for the help we always get! Thanks Dad for the major work you have done to get us heat and air coditioning. Without that help, we would be completely broke. Literally! Also, thanks for coming with us to check out the car! Thanks to Mom and Dad, for the endless advice and counsel you have given me. I truly take everything into my heart and am making some great New year's Resolutions. Thanks to my whole family, Mom, Dad, Brittin, and Belle for always being there to talk, hang out, and have fun with! I am truly blessed! I am thankful for letters in which I can share things with Tavin and still remain close to him! I love getting together with Tav's best friend when she is visiting from college...thanks for always coming over Lindsey! My family are my best friends. I would also like to thank the members of the "Date of the Month Club". You guys truly are our greatest friends and I have loved and cherished all of our fun dates and get togethers and I can't wait to do more this coming up New Year! I am thankful for extended family and other friends in my life! I miss the friends that live far away that I do not get to see as often! I love all the people in our lives!

Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love, The Petersens